leaders collective

We create dynamic environments where movement leaders can rub shoulders, share ideas, discuss deeply and dream creatively together. We encourage leaders to learn from the past; to be observant, aware and insightful in the present; and to be courageous, collaborative and creative for the future.

We do this in larger community environments (50+ leaders gathering online and on/ground), social space dynamics where we have communities of 15-35 leaders learning together, as well as the more personal dynamics (smaller groups of 3-5). Below are some of the different ways we do this across the Movement Leaders Collective. 


Gathering movement leaders connecting online across the globe (both existing movements and emerging movements) and annually on/ground.


Convening a collective of movement leaders in a particular region (both existing movements and emerging movements)


Gatherings for a specific ministry area, network, denomination or organization

Scenius Bands
  • Leadership support, peer investment & insight, and communal challenge.
  • Peer Learning or Coached by a team member.
  • Regional or Global expression.
  • Peer learning and sharing best practice & prayer with group discussion and smaller units to process.

  • Communal learning around a key topic (wisdom from a leader in the collective).

  • Intentional training process with a designed framework & focus training in Movement Dynamics or around an mDNA component.

  • Learning as Individual Leader and communal learning as part of a cohort.

  • Regional or Global expression

  • Naming a wicked problem and group discussion and smaller units to process insight, learning and innovation as a group.

  • Communal learning, discussion around either wicked problems or a specific topic.

  • Regional or Global expression

  • Deep community, catalytic and collaborative environment for a larger group around a key topic for movement leadership, thinking, and praxis.

  • Communal learning, expert input, peer learning.

  • Regional or Global expression.

  • A tailored process to help you as an organization solve particular problems to pursue particular goals

coaching for leaders, teams & organizations within mlc


An online coaching experience for movement-ready leaders. Ideally, we hope to get a mix of three generative leadership types:

  1. Pioneers who are willing to pioneer and experiment on new frontiers and create viable pathways for others to follow
  2. Mapmakers who can decode the learning and help chart the mental maps and viable models for others to follow
  3. Trainers who can articulate and disseminate learning across the whole.

The Accelerator offers a quick crash-course, while the Masterclass is a slower, broader, and deeper journey into the topics. By the end of either process, each participant will have growing competency in:

– Defining and communicating the environment and framework in which movemental leadership happens most effectively and fruitfully, and applying movement thinking to current individual and organizational circumstances

– Creating dynamic leadership environments and processes for innovation, risk and entrepreneurial activity within an organization

– Creating dynamic learning environments for experiential learning, rapid prototyping, and iterative design, including micro-culture (proof of concept), mind maps (architecture of change process) and wider engagement processes (mechanics of engaging change)

– Clarifying and solidifying the culture of the organization – creating narrative, language, practices, and marks for the core values and DNA

– Communicating with clarity and accessibility the core values & DNA of the movement – creating a clear cultural commitment and reality, and creating training pathways for leaders (both pioneering leaders and all leaders across the organization) with codified and contextualized learning.


Knowledge Bank

 Researching and developing data, learning, and resources from the experience of mDNA practitioners from within the collective.

Our Knowledge Bank is a collection of resources from MLC leaders providing validated learning & data, informed resources, and research papers around the topics of movement and mDNA.


At the Movement Leaders Collective, we want to release movement potential in every disciple to shift the tracks of history. We do this through our Hybrid Publisher, Training Ecosystem and Leaders' Collective. 

If you'd like more information about the Movement Leaders Collective or would like to talk with a member of our team, we would love to learn a little more about you and your organization. Simply fill out the brief form below.

Please select which topic or topics best fit what you are trying to learn more about:

How did you hear about us?

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