THE MLC core Team

Rich Robinson
Rich is one of the founders of Movement Leaders Collective alongside Alan Hirsch and serves as its global leader. He has also co-founded Creo and Catalyse Change, and is the author of All Change.
Over the past 20 years, as a spiritual entrepreneur, movement catalyst, and strategic coach, he has led pioneering training work in missional disciple-making, innovation and entrepreneurship, and organizational change across the globe.
Rich lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, and is married to Anna and they have three children: Josiah, Esther, and Samuel.

Alan Hirsch
Alan Hirsch is one of the founders of Movement Leaders Collective, as well as founding the Forge Mission Training Network, and 5Q.
Known for his innovative approach to mission and thought-leadership, Alan is a highly sought after movement strategist for leaders, churches, and denominations across the Western world.
He is the author of numerous award-winning books including The Forgotten Ways, 5Q, ReJesus, The Shaping of Things to Come, and The Permanent Revolution. He and his lovely wife Debra hail from the land down under, and currently live in Melbourne, Australia.

Lindsey Harwood
Lindsey grew up in church ministry serving in a variety of capacities at the local church level. She joined the 5QCollective in 2019 and enjoys working alongside the coaches and trainers from around the globe. She is passionate about equipping and encouraging people into their God given calling.
Lindsey and her husband, Shane, were married in 2012 and currently live in Cody, Wyoming, with their three children. They serve as the lead pastors at Cody Foursquare Church.

Deb Hirsch
Deb Hirsch is a speaker, church leader, and writer who has led churches in both Australia and Los Angeles. She is one of the founders of Forge Mission Training Network.
She is the co-author (with Alan Hirsch) of Untamed: Reactivating a Missional Form of Discipleship, and her book Redeeming Sex reflects her own journey.
Deb has been involved in social work, community development, and as a trained counselor has worked in the field of sexuality for over twenty-five years. She and her husband, Alan, live in Melbourne.

Anna Robinson
Anna leads our hybrid publishing. With extensive experience in European publishing houses, as well as working as as a freelance editor, she has shepherded editorial projects for the likes of Alan Hirsch, Mike Frost, Danielle Strickland, Steve Addison, Mac Lake, and many others.
She loves to sharpen messages, create compelling narrative and engaging frameworks for aspiring writers and established ones alike.
Anna lives with her husband, Rich, and their three kids in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Emma Cotterill
Emma manages the relational
network of leaders and organizations globally, overseeing partnership projects and delivering training and
She is a Swedish Human Rights Lawyer with a specialism in human trafficking and has worked 14 years with
various NGO:s delivering and developing services to victims, as well as with policy and lobbying activities in the United Kingdom and Sweden.
Emma is married to Mark and they reside in Helsingborg Sweden with their two children – Albert and Herman.

Brenna Varner
Brenna is a bi-vocational ministry leader, working both in publishing and equipping movemental followers of Jesus.
She serves as the Executive Director of 100 Movements Publishing, on the Movement Leaders Collective team, as
well as the Forge America team. She also leads a small network of missional people as they seek to live out embodied Jesus lives in Albany, Oregon.
Brenna’s favorite days are spent with her spouse, Joel, and their two daughters, Sarah and Claire.

Lucas Pulley
Lucas, leads our training ecosystem and is also the Executive Director of Underground Network. Lucas has 15 years of experience planting microchurches and leading decentralized networks of grassroots churches, and still
leads a neighborhood house church in the projects of inner city Tampa.
He is driven to see cities transformed by the priesthood of all believers activated in the mission of God to make
disciples and advance the kingdom.
Lucas lives in Tampa, with his wife and three kids.

Dele Okuwobi

Jules Morgan

Roy Moran